
Of A

TV Wife

BY: Avis

I knew nothing at all about transvestism until a little over two years ago when my husband, having be- come acquainted with TRANSVESTIA magazine, told me of his desire to dress as a woman, and showed me the magazine and told me of others who had the same desire. Since that time I have met a great many TVs, heard about many more and met a number of other wives. In order to better understand transvestism, I have read as much as possible on the subject and talked with many people. There seems to be no real solution to the pro- blem and I personally am not enthusiastic, but I do accept something I can't change and get as much plea- sure out of the situation as possible.

Most of the TVS we know well are delightful people. People we would enjoy knowing whatever the circum- stances of our introduction. TVs come in all sizes and shapes and degrees of TVism and our friends are no ex- ception. Some when dressed could pass anywhere and others are content to look their best at parties and seem to have little desire to go out. The wives range from those who refuse to have anything to do with transvestism, through the majority of us who are tolerant but not en- thusiastic, to a few who wholeheartedly support and en- courage their husbands. An evening spent with one or a group of TVs is very pleasant and the conversation ranges widely over many subjects. Sometimes every TV is dressed, sometimes only a few and sometimes none of them, but it dosn't seem to matter very much. We dis- cuss books, baseball, engineering, clothes, make-up, recipes, the state of the world, what makes TV and all the myraid things any group talks about.